
Sunday 8 December 2024

Sunday 8 December 2024

Order Of Service

Sunday 8 December 2024

Rev. Paul Lutton


Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship                                  Are we there yet?

Introit                                                  Promised Lord

Prayers of Adoration and Confession

Song:                                                   Light of the world (Here I am to worship)

Lighting of the Advent Candle:        PEACE

Song: SfW 38                                     He came down that we may have peace

Children’s Talk                                    Five minutes peace!

Song:                                                   I’ve got peace like a river

Children and young people leave for Nativity rehearsals

Interview slot

Song: SfW 37 (Offering)                   He came amid the turmoil

Dedication of Offering

Reading: Luke 1: 57-80, p 54            Donald Milliken

Sermon                                               Zechariah’s Song

Anthem:                                              I am the Light

Prayers of Intercession                      Peter Pallin

Song: IPH 300                                    On Jordan’s bank




Bible Reading: Luke 1: 57-80


57 伊利莎白產期到了,就生了一個兒子。 58 鄰里親族聽見主向她大施憐憫,就和她一同歡樂。 59 到了第八日,他們來要給孩子行割禮,並要照他父親的名字叫他撒迦利亞 60 他母親說:「不可,要叫他約翰。」 61 他們說:「你親族中沒有叫這名字的。」 62 他們就向他父親打手勢,問他要叫這孩子什麼名字。 63 他要了一塊寫字的板,就寫上說:「他的名字是約翰。」他們便都稀奇。 64 撒迦利亞的口立時開了,舌頭也舒展了,就說出話來,稱頌神。 65 周圍居住的人都懼怕。這一切的事就傳遍了猶太的山地。 66 凡聽見的人都將這事放在心裡,說:「這個孩子將來怎麼樣呢?」因為有主與他同在。


67 他父親撒迦利亞被聖靈充滿了,就預言說: 68 「主以色列的神是應當稱頌的!因他眷顧他的百姓,為他們施行救贖, 69 在他僕人大衛家中,為我們興起了拯救的角, 70 正如主藉著從創世以來聖先知的口所說的話, 71 拯救我們脫離仇敵和一切恨我們之人的手; 72 向我們列祖施憐憫、記念他的聖約, 73 就是他對我們祖宗亞伯拉罕所起的誓, 74 叫我們既從仇敵手中被救出來, 75 就可以終身在他面前,坦然無懼地用聖潔、公義侍奉他。 76 孩子啊,你要稱為至高者的先知,因為你要行在主的前面,預備他的道路, 77 叫他的百姓因罪得赦就知道救恩。 78 因我們神憐憫的心腸,叫清晨的日光從高天臨到我們, 79 要照亮坐在黑暗中死蔭裡的人,把我們的腳引到平安的路上。」

80 那孩子漸漸長大,心靈強健,住在曠野,直到他顯明在以色列人面前的日子。








BELFAST CITY MISSION – Christmas Gift Appeal!

Please place gifts for the BCM Christmas Appeal beneath the tree at the front of the church before the start of this morning’s service.

In addition, all loose cash placed in the offering plate today will be donated to Belfast City Mission. If you wish to gift aid your donation, please place in an envelope marked “Belfast City Mission” and with your name and address.

We will host the ORMEAU CHURCHES TOGETHER COMMUNITY CAROL SERVICE in our own church this afternoon at 3.00 pm. Join with friends from St. Jude’s Parish, Village Church, Holy Rosary Parish, Cornerstone Methodist and Cooke Church for this annual service.


LUNCHTIME LITURGY   Our next Liturgy for Advent will be on Wednesday 11 December, from 1.00-2.00 pm. An oasis of quiet reflection, music and guided prayer, with refreshments after.


PW’s Christmas meeting will be on Monday 9 December at 7.45 pm. All welcome to our Christmas celebration when the Cubs and St Michael’s Choir will be singing, followed by festive cheer!


SESSION MEETING on Wednesday 11 December at 7pm in the Megaw Room.


KOINONIA will meet on Thursday 12 December at 10.30 am.  Our speaker will be Paul Clements, former BBC journalist, writer, broadcaster and newspaper columnist, who will give a light-hearted talk on old Ulster and Irish sayings and phrases; includes a short fun quiz.

All welcome.


PW Christmas Concert – 13 December

PW present a concert with Ruth Jennings and friends at 7.30 pm on Friday 13 December.  Tickets £15; speak to a PW member for tickets.


SUNDAY TEA/COFFEE        Volunteers required!        New volunteers are welcome!

The new rota for Sunday tea /coffee is now up in the foyer for period end of December to March 2025. If you can help, please sign up or speak to Margaret Robinson.



If you would like to have a notice included in the announcement sheet, please email

Please try to send your announcements to us by the Thursday prior to the Sunday service.

NI Charity NIC 104325                                                                                                                                                  

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