
Sunday 30 June 2024

Sunday 30 June 2024

Order Of Service

Sunday 30 June 2024

Clare Orr Diédhiou


Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship (Exodus 15: 2-3)

Song: IPH 199                        All my days I will sing this song of gladness

Prayers of Adoration and Confession    

Children’s Talk                        Clare Orr Diédhiou

Song: IPH 152                         Siyahamba (We are marching in the light of God)

Children leave for Children’s Church

Reading:                                 Mark Compston

Exodus 17, 8-16 (p 62-63)

Sermon                                   Clare Orr Diédhiou

Prayers of Intercession         Janet Robinson

Invitation to Communion

Song: IPH 393                        We come as guests invited

(Communion tokens received)

Words of the Institution (1 Corinthians 11:23-26, p 163-4)

Prayer of Thanksgiving


Song: IPH 442                         Thine be the glory

(Offering received)



Join us for tea and coffee in the church hall after the service.



Bible Reading


那時,亞瑪力人來在利非訂,和以色列人爭戰。 摩西約書亞說:「你為我們選出人來,出去和亞瑪力人爭戰。明天我手裡要拿著神的杖,站在山頂上。」 10 於是約書亞照著摩西對他所說的話行,和亞瑪力人爭戰。摩西亞倫戶珥都上了山頂。 11 摩西何時舉手,以色列人就得勝;何時垂手,亞瑪力人就得勝。 12 摩西的手發沉,他們就搬石頭來,放在他以下,他就坐在上面。亞倫戶珥扶著他的手,一個在這邊,一個在那邊,他的手就穩住,直到日落的時候。 13 約書亞用刀殺了亞瑪力王和他的百姓。 14 耶和華對摩西說:「我要將亞瑪力的名號從天下全然塗抹了,你要將這話寫在書上做紀念,又念給約書亞聽。」 15 摩西築了一座壇,起名叫耶和華尼西[c], 16 又說:「耶和華已經起了誓,必世世代代和亞瑪力人爭戰。」



 Summer Services at St John’s Newtownbreda


Sunday 30 June Senegal Sunday Clare Orr Diédhiou
Sunday 7 July Eat This Book: Psalm 8 (Family Service) Rev Paul Lutton
Sunday.14 July Eat This Book: Psalm 100 (Pt 2) Rev Paul Lutton
Sunday 21 July Eat This Book: Psalm Billy Abwa
Sunday 28 July Eat This Book: Psalms 147,148, 149 Prof David Livingstone
Sunday 4 August Eat This Book: Psalm 71 Rev Janice Browne
Sunday 11 August Eat This Book: TBC Scott Robinson
Sunday 18 August Eat This Book: TBC Rev Paul Lutton
Sunday 25 August Eat This Book: Psalm 84 Rev Paul Lutton





PICNIC after next week’s FAMILY SERVICE
Next Sunday we’re going to hear from the children about their week at Holiday Bible Club. We’ve invited the children’s families to stay for a “bring-your-own” picnic, after the service. We’d love for the congregation to join as well! There will be free ice-cream for everyone, served by our friendly ice-cream van man.


NEWSLETTER  The July newsletter will be published on Saturday 6 – please may I have any news, photos, information etc by Wednesday 3 morning latest?

There will be no newsletter in August, the next one will be published on Saturday 14 September.
Thank you, Marj (


STROLLERS  Thursday 4 July at 7.00 pm.

Cave Hill (Vote EARLY!)  Park in the car park on LHS of the drive to Belfast Castle, shortly before the security gates for the Castle. If it’s full, park by the side of the road. Weather permitting we will go to the top. GRADE: Steep in parts, and some steps and uneven surfaces. Walk leader : Ian Jamison – 07717 406 518.
(NB: No walk on Thursday 11th July)

REMINDER: All those Strollers interested in going to the Dunfanaghy, Donegal week-end 26-28 July, please give names to Christine by the 11 July at very latest.


ANNUAL CHURCH FÊTE          Saturday 28 September 2024

We plan to hold the autumn fête this year on Saturday 28 September 2024. So we are asking you to ‘clear out your clutter’ and donate pre-loved items to the fête. The annual fête hosts stalls with lots of pre-loved items, large and small, cakes and other treats along with outdoor activities for our younger visitors. There will also be the usual treat of a lovely afternoon tea. We are hoping for a good team of volunteers to help with the many aspects of the day.

Whether you can help donate goods, make jam or cakes, assist with set up, help on the day…. the opportunities are wide and varied. We hope to be able to start gathering donations soon……….so please use this as an opportunity to declutter the house, the garage and the garden shed. You can leave your donations on the stage of the St John’s Hall or if you need help with bringing your donations to the church please contact Heather or Austin on 07751 574964.

Let your friends, family, neighbours and work colleagues know of the opportunity to donate goods and within reason, we can accept most items, even small items of furniture. We can’t accept electrical goods. More information will be issued nearer the time but please put the date in your diary and it will be a great opportunity to meet up and spend time with friends.

Thank you Heather & Austin




If you would like to have a notice included in the announcement sheet, please email

Please try to send your announcements to us by the Thursday prior to the Sunday service.

NI Charity NIC 104325                                                                                           

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