
Sunday 28 July 2024

Sunday 28 July 2024

Order Of Service

Sunday 28 July 2024

Rev Tony Davidson


Welcome and Announcements               Tony Davidson

Call to Worship, Psalm 150                     Tony Davidson

Song: IPH 218                                           Let all the world in every corner sing!

Prayers of Adoration and Confession     Tony Davidson

Children’s Talk                                           Sandy Kane

Song:                                                          Great Big God

Children leave for Children’s Church

Reading: John 11: 1-44, p 99                  Donald Milliken

Song: IPH 93                                             Lord, I come before Your throne of grace

Dedication of Offering                             Tony Davidson

Sermon: The Raising of Lazarus             Tony Davidson

Prayers of Intercession                             Joanne Shields

Song: IPH 229                                            Praise the Lord of Heaven

(Psalm 148)

 Benediction                                               Tony Davidson


Join us for tea and coffee in the church hall after the service.




Bible Reading:     耶穌聽見拉撒路病了

11 有一個患病的人名叫拉撒路,住在伯大尼,就是馬利亞和她姐姐馬大的村莊。 馬利亞就是那用香膏抹主,又用頭髮擦他腳的,患病的拉撒路是她的兄弟。 她姐妹兩個就打發人去見耶穌,說:「主啊,你所愛的人病了。」 耶穌聽見就說:「這病不至於死,乃是為神的榮耀,叫神的兒子因此得榮耀。」 耶穌素來愛馬大和她妹子並拉撒路。 聽見拉撒路病了,就在所居之地仍住了兩天。 然後對門徒說:「我們再往猶太去吧。」 門徒說:「拉比,猶太人近來要拿石頭打你,你還往那裡去嗎?」 耶穌回答說:「白日不是有十二小時嗎?人在白日走路,就不致跌倒,因為看見這世上的光。 10 若在黑夜走路,就必跌倒,因為他沒有光。」 11 耶穌說了這話,隨後對他們說:「我們的朋友拉撒路睡了,我去叫醒他。」 12 門徒說:「主啊,他若睡了,就必好了。」 13 耶穌這話是指著他死說的,他們卻以為是說照常睡了。 14 耶穌就明明地告訴他們說:「拉撒路死了。 15 我沒有在那裡就歡喜,這是為你們的緣故,好叫你們相信。如今我們可以往他那裡去吧!」 16 多馬,又稱為低土馬,就對那同做門徒的說:「我們也去和他同死吧!」


17 耶穌到了,就知道拉撒路在墳墓裡已經四天了。 18 伯大尼耶路撒冷不遠,約有六里路。 19 有好些猶太人來看馬大馬利亞,要為她們的兄弟安慰她們。 20 馬大聽見耶穌來了,就出去迎接他;馬利亞卻仍然坐在家裡。 21 馬大對耶穌說:「主啊,你若早在這裡,我兄弟必不死。 22 就是現在,我也知道,你無論向神求什麼,神也必賜給你。」 23 耶穌說:「你兄弟必然復活。」 24 馬大說:「我知道在末日復活的時候,他必復活。」 25 耶穌對她說:「復活在我,生命也在我。信我的人,雖然死了,也必復活; 26 凡活著信我的人必永遠不死。你信這話嗎?」 27 馬大說:「主啊,是的,我信你是基督,是神的兒子,就是那要臨到世界的。」 28 馬大說了這話,就回去暗暗地叫她妹子馬利亞,說:「夫子來了,叫你。」 29 馬利亞聽見了,就急忙起來,到耶穌那裡去。 30 那時耶穌還沒有進村子,仍在馬大迎接他的地方。 31 那些同馬利亞在家裡安慰她的猶太人,見她急忙起來出去,就跟著她,以為她要往墳墓那裡去哭。 32 馬利亞到了耶穌那裡,看見他,就俯伏在他腳前,說:「主啊,你若早在這裡,我兄弟必不死。」


33 耶穌看見她哭,並看見與她同來的猶太人也哭,就心裡悲嘆,又甚憂愁, 34 便說:「你們把他安放在哪裡?」他們回答說:「請主來看。」 35 耶穌哭了。 36 猶太人就說:「你看,他愛這人是何等懇切!」 37 其中有人說:「他既然開了瞎子的眼睛,豈不能叫這人不死嗎?」 38 耶穌又心裡悲嘆,來到墳墓前。那墳墓是個洞,有一塊石頭擋著。 39 耶穌說:「你們把石頭挪開!」那死人的姐姐馬大對他說:「主啊,他現在必是臭了,因為他死了已經四天了。」 40 耶穌說:「我不是對你說過,你若信,就必看見神的榮耀嗎?」


41 他們就把石頭挪開。耶穌舉目望天,說:「父啊,我感謝你,因為你已經聽我。 42 我也知道你常聽我,但我說這話是為周圍站著的眾人,叫他們信是你差了我來。」 43 說了這話,就大聲呼叫說:「拉撒路出來!」 44 那死人就出來了,手腳裹著布,臉上包著手巾。耶穌對他們說:「解開,叫他走!」



Summer Services at St John’s Newtownbreda


Sunday 4 August Three Score Years and then…… Rev Janice Browne
Sunday 11 August By faith, not by sight Scott Robinson
Sunday 18 August Eat This Book: TBC Rev Paul Lutton
Sunday 25 August Eat This Book: Psalm 84 Rev Paul Lutton






The next walk will be on Thursday 1 August at 7:00p.m. Helen’s Tower from Conlig. Park at The Somme Centre car park. Woodland tracks and paths – sturdy footwear would be best. Walk Leader: Ken Orr.



The Repair Café is coming back to St. John’s Hall on Saturday 3 August. There will be stalls for small electrical items, sewing repairs, bicycles and more.  Book items in for repair between 10.00 to 12.00 at the website:


Wednesday 14 August:  Clare and Sebastien will be cooking a traditional meal and serving it at 6pm in the Church Halls for anyone in the congregation who wants to come along.  We are expecting quite a lot of people, so it is essential that you let Clare know numbers coming, or phone Lynn on 07901 944001 by
Sunday 11 August.



Volunteers required to serve tea and coffee.  The Rota for September-December is now on the notice board in the foyer…if you can help, please sign the Rota or speak to Margaret Robinson.

New volunteers welcome 🤗



If you would like to have a notice included in the announcement sheet, please email

Please try to send your announcements to us by the Thursday prior to the Sunday service.

NI Charity NIC 104325                                                                      

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