Order Of Service
Sunday 24 November 2024
Rev Paul Lutton
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Introit Jubilate Everybody
Prayers of Adoration and Confession
Song: IPH 567 Rise up, O Church of God!
Children’s Talk
Song: SfW 65 Lord I lift Your name on high
Children and young people leave for Nativity rehearsals
Interview slot Surviving the Holidays
Song: IPH 610 (Offering) Lord, You in Your perfect wisdom
Dedication of Offering
Readings -Luke 9: 23-27 Denis Guiler
and 9:43b-10:1 (p 66)
Sermon Follow me! (Again!)
Anthem: O the love of my Lord
Prayers of Intercession Hilary McCourt
Song: IPH 574 Will you come and follow me?
Join us for tea and coffee in the church hall after the service.
Bible Readings: Luke 9: 23-27; and Luke 9: 43b – 10: 1
23 耶穌又對眾人說:「若有人要跟從我,就當捨己,天天背起他的十字架來跟從我。 24 因為凡要救自己生命[a]的,必喪掉生命;凡為我喪掉生命的,必救了生命。 25 人若賺得全世界,卻喪了自己、賠上自己,有什麼益處呢? 26 凡把我和我的道當做可恥的,人子在自己的榮耀裡,並天父與聖天使的榮耀裡降臨的時候,也要把那人當做可恥的。 27 我實在告訴你們:站在這裡的,有人在沒嘗死味以前,必看見神的國。」
43 眾人都詫異神的大能[a]。
耶穌所做的一切事,眾人正稀奇的時候,耶穌對門徒說: 44 「你們要把這些話存在耳中,因為人子將要被交在人手裡。」 45 他們不明白這話,意思乃是隱藏的,叫他們不能明白,他們也不敢問這話的意思。
46 門徒中間起了議論:誰將為大。 47 耶穌看出他們心中的議論,就領一個小孩子來,叫他站在自己旁邊, 48 對他們說:「凡為我名接待這小孩子的,就是接待我;凡接待我的,就是接待那差我來的。你們中間最小的,他便為大。」
49 約翰說:「夫子,我們看見一個人奉你的名趕鬼,我們就禁止他,因為他不與我們一同跟從你。」 50 耶穌說:「不要禁止他,因為不敵擋你們的,就是幫助你們的。」
51 耶穌被接上升的日子將到,他就定意向耶路撒冷去, 52 便打發使者在他前頭走。他們到了撒馬利亞的一個村莊,要為他預備。 53 那裡的人不接待他,因他面向耶路撒冷去。 54 他的門徒雅各、約翰看見了,就說:「主啊,你要我們吩咐火從天上降下來燒滅他們,像以利亞所做的[b]嗎?」 55 耶穌轉身責備兩個門徒,說:「你們的心如何,你們並不知道。 56 人子來不是要滅人的性命[c],是要救人的性命。」說著就往別的村莊去了。[d]
57 他們走路的時候,有一人對耶穌說:「你無論往哪裡去,我要跟從你。」 58 耶穌說:「狐狸有洞,天空的飛鳥有窩,只是人子沒有枕頭的地方。」 59 又對一個人說:「跟從我來!」那人說:「主,容我先回去埋葬我的父親。」 60 耶穌說:「任憑死人埋葬他們的死人,你只管去傳揚神國的道。」 61 又有一人說:「主,我要跟從你,但容我先去辭別我家裡的人。」 62 耶穌說:「手扶著犁向後看的,不配進神的國。」
10 這事以後,主又設立七十個人,差遣他們兩個兩個地在他前面,往自己所要到的各城各地方去。
A REFLECTIVE SERVICE, Rumours of Light, will be held this evening at 6.30 pm by candlelight to mark the beginning of the Advent season, with a blend of contemporary and multicultural worship.
LUNCHTIME LITURGY The first of our Lunchtime Liturgies for Advent will be on Wednesday 27 November, from 1.00-2.00 pm. An oasis of quiet reflection, music and guided prayer, with refreshments after.
DECEMBER NEWSLETTER – the next newsletter will come out in the Friday email update on 29 November. This is the Christmas edition and the last chance for organisations to let everyone know their plans and dates for this year. Please let me have your articles, photos and news by Tuesday morning 26 November. Marj (Marjorieguiler@gmail.com)
KOINONIA will meet on Thursday 28 November, when our speaker will be Maciek Bator, who will talk about Polish Airmen in NI in the Second World War and how they joined the banter. Meet at 10.30, all welcome.
BELFAST CITY MISSION: Christmas Gift Appeal!
On Sunday 8th December there will be an opportunity to donate gifts to the BCM Christmas appeal. Please place gifts beneath the tree at the front of church before the start of the service. Gift suggestions (unwrapped please) are as follows: selection boxes; tins of sweets; boxes of biscuits; monetary gifts (gift cards, supermarket vouchers, toy stores); groceries (non-perishable).
PW Christmas Concert – 13 December
PW present a concert with Ruth Jennings and friends at 7.30 pm on Friday 13 December. Tickets £15.
SUNDAY TEA/COFFEE Volunteers required! New volunteers are welcome!
The new rota for Sunday tea /coffee is now up in the foyer for period end of December to March 2025. If you can help, please sign up or speak to Margaret Robinson.
A special thank you to everyone who responded to this year’s appeal. A grand total EIGHTY NINE thoughtfully packed shoeboxes were brought to the processing centre last week which is fantastic! This does not include those that were put together online which would bring the total number to well over 100!
A shoebox gift brings great joy to precious children in need around the world. Your special gifts will send a powerful message of love that will impact the lives of many children who may never have received such a gift before so on behalf of Samaritan’s Purse thank you once again for responding to this appeal so generously. Johanna Shields
If you would like to have a notice included in the announcement sheet, please email NewtownbredaAnnouncements@outlook.com
Please try to send your announcements to us by the Thursday prior to the Sunday service.
NI Charity NIC 104325 www.newtownbreda.org