
Sunday 2 February 2025

Sunday 2 February 2025

Order Of Service

Sunday 2 February 2025

Rev Paul Lutton


Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

Introit                                         Sing out my soul

Song IPH 3                               Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy

Prayers of Adoration and Confession

Song IPH 542                          I will offer up my life

Children’s Talk

Song  IPH 544                        Jesus is greater than the greatest heroes

Children leave for Sunday School and Sunday Club

Interview slot                            Hannah Moxen (Aspire NI)

Song IPH 485 (Offering)        All I once held dear

Dedication of Offering

Reading:                                  Lynn Orr

Genesis 6: 5-22, p5

Sermon                                    A Flood of Justice?

Anthem                                     Hiding Place

Prayers of Intercession           Alex McConkey

Song IPH 104                          Guide me, O my great Redeemer



Please join us for refreshments after the service in the church halls.






CHINESE NEW YEAR    Come and join us after today’s service for Chinese refreshments and treats, as we celebrate the Chinese New Year with our Hong Kong families: the Year of the Snake.


4 CORNERS FESTIVAL is happening this week with the theme of HOME? All events are free. Booking is filling up, but there are still some places available. For a look at the full programme, visit:


NEWSLETTER   The February newsletter is due to be published on Friday 7 February.  -If you have news, photos, cartoons… to share with your church family, please may I have them by Tuesday night 4 February? Marj (


SERMON DIGEST   Confused by the sermon? Got questions? You are welcome to join us for our first Sermon Digest, which is planned for Sunday 16th February. We meet in the Cairns Room immediately after the service for no more than 20 minutes of Q&A with Rev. Paul. Tea and coffee will be available!


SMALL GROUPS are starting again. We have a number of groups meeting at different times, in different places, that operate in different ways… so there should be a group to suit everyone! If you are interested in joining a group for this term, speak to Paul to find out more.


CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY AFTER CHURCH    As the number of children at coffee time has increased, we are aware of the need for some supervision in the St John’s Hall. If you would like to join a rota of volunteers to organise a game or activity for our children for half an hour after the church service, please email or speak to Sandy:


Habitat for Humanity    Neal Brown would like to thank everyone for their support and generous contributions at Tea & Coffee last Sunday. He was delighted to pass on £350 to Habitat Ireland for their ongoing work.



If you would like to have a notice included in the announcement sheet, please email

Please try to send your announcements to us by the Thursday prior to the Sunday service.

NI Charity NIC104325                                                                                                                                 

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