
Sunday 15 December 2024

Sunday 15 December 2024

Order Of Service

Sunday 15 December 2024

Rev. Paul Lutton



Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

Introit                                                  Promised Lord

Prayers of Adoration and Confession

Song:                                                   Come Thou Fount of every blessing

Lighting of the Advent Candle:        JOY

Song: SfW 38                                     He came down that we may have joy

Children’s Talk                                    Joy!

Song: IPH 325                                    Joy to the world

Children and young people leave for Nativity rehearsals

Interview slot                                     Video

Song: SfW 64 (Offering)                   Longing for light

Dedication of Offering

Reading: Luke 2: 8-15, p 55              Stephen Moss

Sermon                                               The Angels’ Song

Anthem:                                              Infant Holy

Prayers of Intercession                      Scott Robinson

Song: IPH 297                                    Jesus, hope of every nation




Bible Reading: Luke 2: 8-15


 在伯利恆之野地裡有牧羊的人,夜間按著更次看守羊群。 有主的使者站在他們旁邊,主的榮光四面照著他們,牧羊的人就甚懼怕。 10 那天使對他們說:「不要懼怕,我報給你們大喜的信息,是關乎萬民的。 11 因今天在大衛的城裡,為你們生了救主,就是主基督。 12 你們要看見一個嬰孩,包著布,臥在馬槽裡,那就是記號了。」 13 忽然有一大隊天兵,同那天使讚美神說: 14 「在至高之處榮耀歸於神!在地上平安歸於他所喜悅的人[a]!」

15 眾天使離開他們升天去了,牧羊的人彼此說:「我們往伯利恆去,看看所成的事,就是主所指示我們的。」








LUNCHTIME LITURGY   Our final Lunchtime Liturgy for Advent will be on Wednesday 18 December, from 1.00-2.00 pm. An oasis of quiet reflection, music and guided prayer, with refreshments after.



CHURCH NATIVITY   The Nativity Service, led by our Sunday School and Bible Class, will be held in the Church Hall next Sunday morning 22 December at 10.30 am.



CAROL SERVICE A traditional Candlelit Carol Service led by our extended church choir will be held next Sunday evening 22 December at 5.00 pm.  It will include music by John Rutter and Vivaldi and will be followed by a Christingle Tea, in aid of Cancer Focus, NI’s leading local cancer charity.



CHRISTMAS DAY Join us at 10.30 am for a short, family friendly service.




If you would like to have a notice included in the announcement sheet, please email

Please try to send your announcements to us by the Thursday prior to the Sunday service.


NI Charity NIC 104325                                                                                                                                                

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