Welcome to St John’s Newtownbreda

All our activities and organisations are open to everyone in the community.

On Sundays we come together – all ages – to celebrate the Good News that we can do these things through the love and grace and mercy of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Just with any family, we always have room for more and we become members together through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and knowing Jesus Christ His Son as our Saviour and Lord.

Our Vision

‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

Matthew 25: 37- 40 (NIV)

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

‘Whatever you did for the one of the least of these ….. you did for me’

As followers of Jesus Christ, we take these words seriously.

We seek to find ways to provide welcome, nourishment – spiritual and physical, friendship, support, shelter, encouragement and a sense of belonging. 

Latest News


Art Exhibition

Art Exhibition The Art Exhibition & Sale runs 20th to 22nd June with entry to the public from 10:30am until 8:30pm on the Thursday and Friday, and until 3pm on the Saturday. There will be 350 individual works of art on display and available for purchase, by over 100 local artists. Prices range from £50-£5,000

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Ordination and Installation of Paul Lutton

The Ordination and Installation of Paul Lutton The installation of a new minister is without doubt a seminal moment for any congregation marking the dawning of a new era in the life of that church community as indeed it also marks a new departure for the incoming minister and his or her family. Installations have

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PW – Evening of music with Deidre

A musical journey with Deidre Harshaw. Deidre is Newtownbreda’s Music Director and has enjoyed music since an early age. This week Deidre shared her musical journey with the PW and a number of visitors, performing many of the music arrangements which have inspired her and spoke of her love of music and interesting career. This

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PW – Visitors evening

An Evening with Monica Mc Williams Newtownbreda’s PW hosted an evening with Monica McWilliams to coincide with the 25th Anniversary of the signing of the Good Friday Agreement. Monica McWilliams spoke on the theme ‘What is still needed for peace building in Northern Ireland and beyond’. This was an open meeting with a supper. We

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We have a range of Church events for all ages!

Latest Announcement

Sunday 23 March 2023

Order Of Service Sunday 23 March 2025 Rev Paul Lutton   Welcome and Announcements Call to Worship Introit:                                       Lord, make us servants Song IPH 211                          I will sing the wondrous story Prayers of Adoration and Confession Song: IPH 613                         Who can sound the depths of sorrow Children’s Talk Song: IPH 82                           God is

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Join A Service

In Person

We meet in person at 10:30am every Sunday. Our Lighthouse children's programme for pre-school to P7 takes place during the service.


You can join us live or catch up via our YouTube Channel.

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